Innovative company
with modern thinking!

The constant search for solutions:
How to offer better and better service to our users ...

What this all about?

Креатив и творчество

Висок стремеж и към пълна рекламна подкрепа и модерна визия за бизнеса.

Повече информация

Търговия и логистика

Ние знаем, че времето е едно от най-ценните неща за всеки един от нас.

Повече информация



To improve our offerings and make them available to more consumers in all parts of Bulgaria!


Responsive and correct attitude to every detail. We carefully study every product we offer to our users.


We know that time is one of the most valuable things for each of us. Building a transparent relationship with a clear regulation is a priority!


By sharing our experience and achievements in business, we believe we will build a tradition in partner-client relationships.

The company

Responsible decisions and relationships are important steps in the development of our company, partners and consumers. But we know that the most important decision we have already made.


The attitude and attention to each of our users is the highest priority for us as a company.

Ready for mobile devices

A person is a leader, and then an epidemic. The smile should be distinguished as quality without exception!

People speak different languages, but they smile in the same way ... Just Smile